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Wednesday September 28, 2022

Happy Feast of Trumpets to all of you who are keeping it today!

Every one of the patterns and witnesses associated with proclaiming this first day of the 7th month in the Abib Calendar Cycle is in place in the heavens, and in the annual cycles of agriculture, and the migrations in the Promised Land.

We are looking forward to the realities of what this day holds for us and mankind in the future. For now, we are just fine with rehearsing and observing it as one of the appointed times of our Elohim.

Some are curious why we do not report on new moon sightings. We actually do from time to time, but only for the 1st and 7th as most of you know and only then when it may assist others in clarifying their decisions.

Why, some of you will ask?

Quite frankly there are so many different factions, with so many different opinions, to which most are not Biblical, it would be a fools errand to step into it. Proverbs addresses such an activity and its inevitable outcome.

There are some good reporting outlets who stick to the actual visibility facts from Jerusalem and the surrounding Promised Land. Anyone who has taken the time to read our articles about it on our website know full well what we do and why.

Unfortunately, there are the vast majority of "the many" who are called, who look for nothing but shortcuts to information and will not spend any quality time in research. It is so true about the end of the age prophesy that they will run to and fro seeking from others the knowledge of Yehovah, to no avail. Falling into the trap of ever learning (relying on opinions of others) and never coming to an understanding of the truth.

They look for others to fill their oil for them because they are lazy children of Father. That will not end well for them as Christ/Messiah instructs us all in Matthew 25. Many are called by Father, few are chosen by Christ/Messiah, and even less remain faithful to our Husband to be, and to our Father.

Once again, if you have anything to say to us, or contribute, you will need to respond through the email address at the top of our page. Even with this said, there will be individuals trying to do so through a post to this page to have an audience which we do not read unless it comes with a preview tab. Imagine that.

There is a rough road ahead, so please get the understandings of the Abib Calendar cycle stored away in your minds. It is all displayed to us in patterns. He will never leave nor forsake us in any of it.

Keep safe, and all the best in your qualifying to be an eternal helpmate in Fathers Household.


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