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Wednesday March 27, 2024: Take 2

Me again,

Here is a look from atop our favorite overlook of the Jezreel Valley from the Gilboa Mountains. Don't get home sick you guys who have stood there with us.

And then a close up of the self seeded domestic grain with the poppy's around Nes Ziona.

By the way it is hot, and getting hotter, for the foreseeable future touching on sharav conditions tomorrow.

I decided to add the 10 day forecast for Jerusalem to this post. Just look at the amazing weather with temperatures bouncing back and forth between the high 70's F to low 80's F. Those represent 26-28 C. That is hot up atop the mountains and is sweltering in the plains below.

Fathers stamp of approval as to this being the Head of the Months; the Month of Abib!

Happy Feast of UB!


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