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Sunday May 19, 2024: The 50th day in the count and the Jubilee of the Bride of Christ/Messiah

Brian Convery

Good Morning and a Happy Shabbaton to you all!

What an epic rehearsal we are privileged to take part in brethren. 99.9999999% of mankind have no clue, let alone idea of what this day means to our Elohim or to mankind.

Its reality will be accompanied by an unprecedented time of trouble on the earth at the time the Bridegroom comes out of His chamber to gather up His Bride as so many scriptures instruct us. Joel 2:15-17, Matthew 24:15-21, Revelation 6:12-17 are just several in the Biblical pattern of it.

But that is not our focus on this joyous day which comes as a thief in the night upon so many. It is called the Feast of Weeks and Pentecost, and by extension: Feast of Firstfruits, but the day is actually not called such in scripture but that is widely accepted for it is also the day in which the firstfruits of the wheat harvest are waved before our Elohim. Exodus simply says to that point:

Exodus 34:22 And a feast of weeks (#7620) you shall observe for yourselves, the firstfruits (#1061) of the harvest (#7105) of wheat…

On this day the qualifying of the Bride, the eternal helpmate, the second Eve comes to a close in the Plan of Salvation. After that epic event takes place the next phase of the timeline in the Plan of Salvation commences. As our resume says:

Proverbs 31: 10-31 Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.

Now it will be the time for the daughters who did well and will do well to be given extra time to excel and fill another vital function in the household of Father Elohim. Three and a half years to be exact.

In keeping with the theme of the season and the harvest of wheat here is a photo of wheat being harvested for grain on Friday in En HaShofet. This field will be familiar to some of you from this year’s posts. Then a look back at the area in February. All of the wheat planted during the end of December and into January is now being harvested, some already and some in the near future. However, as you know all of the wheat planted prior to the October rains the start of the early rains is long gone. It has been used for “silage” for the dairy operations or cut and dried in the field to be bundled as “hay” for future use in those same agricultural operations.

Following those are photos of the early grapes and early pomegranates at this time in their various growth stages. Exactly where they need to be at the timing of Pentecost.

And then a very vivid look at the damage caused by the recent rains out of season and their lasting effects in the north of Nazareth. Remember they can come in the form of torrential downpours, hail, sleet, and snow. Look at the damage they have caused during the harvest. Definitely living up to their designation as a curse.

And then two photos from Friday of a land in her Pentecost look!

Once again, what a privilege to have an understanding of all these things here at the end of the age.

Our peace we give to you!


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