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Sabbath November 9, 2024

Brian Convery

Good Morning and a happy Sabbath rest to all,

Not much to update on today. The situation is still in a holding pattern awaiting the early rains which can be measured in "seed germinating" quantities in the 3 grain growing regions.

As of today there have been a lot of fields prepped and planted for barley and wheat.

New folks to this site will probably be a little shocked that wheat is planted in the 8th and 9th months in Israel. Its simple: forget what you are told about wheat being harvested after Pentecost in this day and age in the Land. It just does not happen any longer for there is no "spring" wheat planted there. Just "winter" wheat. In ancient Biblical times only barley was planted prior to the winter early rains. With wheat having the exact same growing cycle and number of days in the Zadok Scale you can use it as a determiner as to when its cousins; domestic and acceptable wild barley, will be entering aviv stage. That is based on the number of days, but there are also other determining factors such as meteorological conditions directed by our Elohim to either speed up or slow down the entire growth cycle in any given year. We will speak to them all through this growing cycle of the Abib Calendar once again this year.

There are only 4 IMS stations reporting at 100% rainfall or more per average to date. Three of them are in areas of no grain growing (Dead Sea and Mt. top locations). The only one in a grain growing area is Ha Yogev in the Jezreel Valley. To the best of our knowledge it had not been planted there prior to the last rainfall.

The NW Negev is bone dry as the last 2 of the planting pictures will illustrate from this past week. So too is the ridge on the south side of the Jezreel Valley. Lots of dust but anticipating rain in the future.

Keep in mind the pattern has been if there are no early rains of germinating quantities prior to November 15th then an intercalated year is in the works from Father. That means end of March new moon as we have been pointing out so everyone can have an understanding of how this process works from start to finish.

Lots of patterns to look for and at, in the Abib Growing Cycle of grain in the Land.

Two of our favorite farmers in the Land are prepping and waiting on the early rains from heaven now.

Our peace we give to you!


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