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Sabbath March 19, 2022

Good Morning and Happy Sabbath to All! It has been suggested that we post the link to the second inspection trip to Israel on March 19, 2019 to assist folks in their evaluations of what a normal 12 month Biblical year looks like just prior to Passover. Actually, that applies to an intercalated year as well. It will all have the same look if not even more intense. As you look at these videos for the first time or are just refreshing your memories, please note the color and condition of all the barley: wild and domestic and for that matter the wheat. This is what all the traditionally early fields (established during 20 years of inspections in the Land) are supposed to look like. Through experience, at the end of the 12th month we make an educated evaluation at that time knowing what the growing cycle will bring in the following 2 weeks. That is what we do, we follow the set pattern in the grain in the Land.

We took everyone through that cycle last year and you can use it to educate yourself as to the milestones in the growth process and the meteorological processes which determine whether the barley will be harvest ready by Wavesheaf Day at the very latest. It is all easily accessed on our website under the historical abib reports since 2002. Compare these videos to what the Land looks like today March 19, 2022. It is solid green in the grain growing regions in the country from one end to the other. Yes, still winter. Even the goat grass is struggling to look its fake part of being aviv.

Keep in mind the terminology used during them is all representative of a specific condition which declares the time of year it is to us.


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Monday October 10, 2022

Hi Folks, We hope you all are having, or will be having, a happy Feast of Tabernacles/Ingathering! By all accounting you are either into the first day, or will be at sunset tonight, or tomorrow night.

Abib of God  Elohim



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