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Sabbath July 22, 2023

Brian Convery

Good Morning and Happy Sabbath to all!

We hope your walk to the 7th month festival season is going well and you are on course to keeping the moedim on the exact days our Elohim have set aside for them. There are many adversaries abounding these days in an attempt to get us sidetracked with a detour to nowhere. All we have to do is follow the Lamb wherever He goes and that means doing everything He instructs us to do. I will post an article later today which incorporates the 3 earlier posts identifying the current dangers to the sanctity of the Abib Calendar Cycle with some additional material.

But for now, lets catch up on the timeline of the harvest season in the Land. As you can see from the first 3 photo's it is chick pea season and that means lots of tasty humus. If you have not had humus made in Israel you are missing out.

We also have the sunflower harvest going full speed across the country as depicted in the next two pictures.

There are also melons being harvested, as well as dried corn (for grinding into flour), bigger onions, etc.

Oh yes, we also have commercial lemons being picked.

The weather has been hot but that is about to change as a streak of exceptionally hot weather is going to hit full force. Keep in mind this is entering the 4th week in July and the 5th Biblical Month. Let's pay special attention to what that intense heat does to the early grape varieties harvest. Do not be surprised to see that start up within 7-10 days. That is if the irrigation is turned down somewhat. We will keep you posted.

Thank you for loving Father and Son!

Our peace we give to you.


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