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Sabbath August 31, 2024: take 2

Brian Convery

Hi Folks,

Never a dull moment in these times of knowledge being increased and people able to run to and fro.

Some are asking about the start for the feast of Trumpets we have on our sites. Well, kind of asking that is, more so challenging. That’s okay with us for we are to seek out our own salvation in an attitude of deep respect (fear and trembling to some) in our intimate relationship with Father who called us, and Christ who chooses us as a candidate to be an eternal helpmate along side of Him. We are in a process of growing in their favor and acceptance. Children of Father and a Bride for Christ.

Let’s narrow it down here for some who are being troubled by others. It is very simple. We have only 2 mathematical opportunities each and every lunar cycle to see the very first crescent as it appears from earth with our wonderful gift of eyesight. That is simply on the 29th day or the 30th day after sunset. That is a wonderful and beautiful pattern placed in creation to keep our focus on the Elohim. It requires faithful obedience to do so if we are to be in an intimate relationship with Father and Son. Just think, if it was every 30th day and no chance of anything else it would most certainly be taken for granted by many and thus a lack of involvement and focus in the process.

With this said let’s look at what has driven the date for Trumpets we have posted. That is this Thursday September 5th if you are not aware of it. Keep in mind it starts at sunset the previous evening on the 4th.

On August 5th after sunset the first crescent of the 6th Biblical month was sighted in the region of Jerusalem. Normally an August sighting on the 29th day of a lunar cycle with the marginal numbers of illumination like that one would not be seen. Keep in mind normally. However, the conditions for sighting that August evening were exceptional for that time of year. Yes, Father is in control of such things. Moderate humidity at sunset and a low thin layer of haze over the Mediterranean horizon with a few low broken clouds added in. That made all the difference that evening, along with the simple fact of experienced observers looking from an acceptable elevation point. These factors came together quite nicely and thus an acceptable observation was put in the books, as the saying goes.

From there it is simple arithmetic. We had 30 complete Biblical days until the next possibility of being able to see the first crescent of the next lunar cycle. One of the benefits of knowledge increasing. That is a very big thank you to Father. Some will say why is that? Because any possible doubt is removed from the table. With the simple fact that it is only possible on a 29th or 30th day to start a Biblical Month we know that at sunset on Wednesday September 4thwe come to the end of the 30th day. It does not mater what conditions are in Jerusalem that evening. It is a done deal folks. If it is not seen, for whatever meteorological reason, the next day is still the start of the 7th Biblical Month. Clarification for some of you on that, for some it will be the 8th month and for others the 6thmonth. Lots of choices to make these days are there not?

Father has given us a blessing in doing so. At least for many of us who will now be meeting or assembling with others from around the world. All the sightings regardless of location are in unity if they follow similar criteria as we do here. At least it is a blessing to me in my simple way of thinking of such things. Lots of brethren keeping the same moed of Trumpets is a fleeting thing these days.

If you do not agree with me on what is stated that is okay as I mentioned earlier. I have just given an answer to the hope which is in me as commanded by Christ through Peter in his letters when asked to do so.

Hope that assists some of you. If not: be happy

Our peace we give to you.


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