Hi Folks,
We have a number of posts to put up, but lets address the question I asked yesterday.
Several of you sent over answers with a lot of thought put into them. Jacky nailed it as the saying goes, so here are her replies.
#1) Abib 1 will be on 3/21/2026 with a visibility of 241.2 (dependent on the sighting of the crescent moon).
#2) We are in an intercalated year, so Abib1 will be on March 31, 2025, (dependent on sighting of the crescent moon on the evening of March 30.
#3) Counting 12 months arrives at the evening of 3/20/2026 to look for the crescent moon. It will most likely be a normal year, following the patterns from 2002, but always dependent on Elohim speaking! And, of course, all is dependent on the barley and 10 witnesses.
Now how did she do it?
Its quite simple if you follow patterns in creation tied to scriptural instruction. We have put them together in one simple document/file for anyone who wishes to understand them. We put it in a post yesterday and it is titled: A Typical March Calendar.
If you apply those rules to an upcoming year at the end of the 12th month you will have a real accurate understanding of how our Elohim have set Their Calendar timing up for us as we follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
In the written guidelines you will see that every year since 2002, which was our first inspection of barley in the Land, that the pattern has not failed. Keep in mind even though we have these guidelines and simple look ahead we wait on our Elohim to make it abundantly clear in each upcoming Biblical Year through their signs in creation.
It is all really simple once you learn the guidelines and apply them to the existing patterns that reveal themselves in the Gregorian Month of March.
Intercalated years are easy for they will always follow a normal year at times, but more predominantly a series of 2 normal years. After an intercalated year you always have a normal year. It is all defined by when the 12th Biblical Month ends during the month of March. The March Calendar in that file will show you the guidelines applied.
Now why is it important to have and understand its simplicity?
There is most likely a time coming when we will be deprived of all the tools we currently use on the internet to apply to determining the start of the Biblical Year in the Land through the Biblically designated witnesses.
What are you going to do then?
You are going to have to make your best assessment from past experiences. We have done exactly that in the short file attached yesterday which I will attach once again today.
One of the simple keys is the Passover of the Lord/Yehovah can not start before March 18th. You will see all the recorded criteria as to why and you can search through our historical data from all the years past as to the barley inspections we have undertaken to confirm it.
Thus we here at abibofgod.com have prepared for a time which may come in the not too distant future. And yes, we are coming under the promise that They will never leave nor forsake us for They have instructed us in righteous decision making and not guessing. We have written it all down on paper.
Maybe I will put together a short video when time permits to walk you through the steps for those who do not already know them. But don't wait for me to do that take the time and see how simple it is for yourself.
Our peace we give to you.