Hi Guys,
As stated earlier I will answer a few questions in this one post as they are all related to one another.
Many of you know these simple principles patterns and truths but some of the newer folks don't. Lets look at what the latest condition is for safe harvesting and then to the earliest.
John 4:34-35 Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. Do you not say, there are still four months and comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! (Do not overlook the command that you can assess the age of maturity by looking at it, contrary to so many modern day Pharisees)
Here we have the Creator once again comparing fields of grain to a spiritual reality. That is very important to our understanding of the Plan of Salvation as well as to how its fits into the Biblical Calendar and the numbering of the annual holy days which are sequential rehearsals of the milestone events in the Plan. They are inseparable.
Let’s just deal with the physical part of this analogy. The fields of grain were ready to harvest and the proof of that is they are white. Not my words but His! Once again, He is delineating a sign of harvest ready grain.
White here is the Greek word is #3022 leukos. It simply means white and really nothing else for it comes from the Greek for light. Thus, leukos’ usage is white. In scripture it is contrasted with black hair and compared to the look of snow. Easy to understand for most. But not all.
Fields here is #5561 chora and means a big space in most usages.
The Greek words here, as well as the context, leave no doubt about what is being said. Thus, when a field of grain is ready to reap it is white looking. What we have here is beyond Zadoks 9.2. When the grain turns to the state of physiological maturity and has the ability to reproduce itself it is between 8.3-8.5 and is yellow and at times even houses some green streaks on parts of the plant. That is the Leviticus 2:14 rule and standard which simply means it can be dried out and ground to flour or used for seed at that growth stage.
Those of you who understand grain growing and harvesting know that when grain turns to a white color it actually NEEDS to be harvested or it will be lost. It is so dried out at that point it can be damaged very easily and then lost for that harvest cycle. That should help us understand the need for harvesting it and not waiting on some subjective date in the future.
These understandings of facts in agriculture and in creation are very important in our calendar determinations. Wait too long you miss the boat, go too early and its not ready and will be rendered useless. Now insert the spiritual realities into both of those scenarios.
But it does not end there. We are instructed here that barley and wheat can stand on the stalk for a long time after they are harvest ready, using the minimum standard found in Leviticus 2:14 as the starting point.
We also know our Savior/Creator is not talking about wild barley because it shatters and falls to the ground when it is a mix of yellow and green. You have seen that often in our inspection reports from the Land. If you see goat grass: unacceptable wild barley; all white, it is long dead due to no moisture. Yes, it died a premature death. Once again, we have shown that state to you often in our photos and videos from past inspections in the Land.
This is important for all who are called of Father and drawn to Christ to be accepted. This understanding will assist hm in not being led astray to some fable or delusion. It is all about making the right decision. If someone does not agree with you that is okay for what counts is that our Elohim agree with us. The Biblical Calendar is Christ/Messiah centered and anything short of that is simply a wind of doctrine, fable, or delusion.
Go back through our inspection reports at: https://www.abibofgod.com/historical-abib-reports
You will see how thorough they are. Lots of pictures of the entirety of the landscape and subject fields. Lots of video’s as well. Take the time and go back through some of them.
Maybe Bridget or Brenda can link some from my March trip last year for you to view and study. My second trip in 2019 also has some really educational videos as well.
The question has been asked if the First of the Firstfruits of barley can be harvested prior to the 10th of the month?
Of course it can. If the field housing the representative wavesheaf cutting is at the state of aviv as well or close to it on the first day of the first Month it can be cut/separated from the field and brought to the Temple for the Priest to use on Wavesheaf Sunday during the 7 days of UB. It just can’t be consumed or the rest of the field harvested until that day. To ensure the sanctity of this timing and action, He instructed Native Israel they would be gathered away from their homes and fields at Jerusalem for the 14thPassover and 15th-21st days of UB. Lots of checks and balances to our Creators intentions and commands. That’s mercy in action.
And yes, there is only one First of the Firstfruit of barley wavesheaf offering. It is the very first one that has arrived at the Temple and qualified to be a Most Holy Grain Offering. That means without blemish to be Most Holy. Anything else would be rejected. In some years there was no doubt many First of the Firstfruits of barley sheaves coming in from around the grain growing regions of the country for there were 48 Levitical Districts woven through them all with Levites who were anxious to get them to the Temple.
The start of the year was no mystery to them for they understood the growing cycle of their grain crops just like we do as part of the Melchizedek Priesthood. If they were approaching the end of a 12th Biblical Month they would have a good understanding of when the grain would be first ready for use by looking at it and using their past experience with that particular location with the current weather conditions. Those are simple patterns we too follow. If he determined it would not meet the Leviticus 2:14 standard by the time the Priest would need it for use, then they would be expecting another months’ worth of growing based on that area. However, a different area may have experienced better growth conditions.
With all that said they waited on Yehovah to show them clearly. Just like He taught them and us how to plant and grow crops in Isaiah 28:23-26. He also instructed them and us in right judgements as to when to harvest it. The parameters for that are defined by Leviticus 2:14 as the earliest stage through His instructions above in John 4:35. The earliest and the latest. Everything in between is a welcomed sight!
Let’s not forget Mark 4:26-29 where our Lord gives us the short version of Zadok’s stages of growth. And then in Matthew 13:3-9 as to where we are to plant and sow grain to expect a good harvest.
The only way we can see that clearly in scripture is to use the two-edged sword. That is both the First Marriage Covenant scriptures and the Second Marriage Covenant scriptures. Yes, the Bible! Not just half of it.
Our peace we give to you.