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The Plan of Salvation

Welcome to our study of the Plan of Salvation. We hope it will be of benefit to you in your calling. It is presented in a format using patterns placed in scripture and in creation, which instructs us to its purposes and goals which are expected to be achieved. Everything and everyone have a pattern. That is the fundamental learning tool given to us by the Elohim, the two Beings who are now known as the Father and the Son.


They have a Plan with the ultimate goal to produce other beings (not clones) who will have the same mindset as They do, so that we, the participants in the Plan, will be capable of living in a state of Eternal Oneness with Them. You will be able to see scriptures, in patterns and in historical content, unfold and present a remarkable process put in place to accomplish that goal. We will be examining the patterns in detail as to their origin, (starting points) and their weaving through the timeline of the Overall Plan. We will also examine “course corrections” which became necessary to keep the Plan moving forward, towards the desired outcome.


Please keep in mind, this is not a commentary on the Bible, rather a study depicting Biblical patterns which are recorded throughout the various segments of the timeline for our instruction. No doubt, for some of you reading this, it will be a first. People have not been trained to observe patterns in creation which speak about the goal of the Elohim, the Godhead. Following patterns from start to completion are a means of gaining knowledge and understanding which give us the ability to act and think with mature wisdom. We are instructed through the prophet Isaiah about this.


Isaiah 28:9-10  To whom shall He (the Word/El/Jesus the Christ/Messiah) teach understanding? And to whom shall He explain the message? (Answer) To those weaned from milk, and to those moving away from the breast! For precept must be on precept, precept upon precept; line on line, line on line; here a little, there a little.


Welcome to our study of the Biblical patterns in scripture and in creation, which explain and depict the Plan of Salvation. We hope it will help you to grow in favor, acceptance, and knowledge of our Creators.  Download the whole Plan of Salvation or individual chapters to begin reading.


Download the whole document as a single file:  The Plan of Salvation

Chapter 1:  An Important Pattern In Creation

Chapter 2:  The Plan of Salvation Prior To Mankind

Chapter 3:  The Coming Into Being Of Mankind

Chapter 4:  Genesis Chapters 2 And 3

Chapter 5:  Life After Exiting The Garden

Chapter 6:  The Aftermath And Its Eventual Course Corrections

Chapter 7:  The First Course Correction For Mankind After The Flood

Chapter 8:  Abraham And Sarah - Moving Towards A Broader Based Marriage Covenant

Chapter 9:  An Overview of Key Points In The Timeline Of The Plan So Far

Chapter 10:  The Buildup To The First Marriage Covenant

Chapter 11:  The Passover Of Yehovah

Chapter 12:  The Pilgrimage Festival Of Unleavened Bread And The Firstborn

Chapter 13:  Wavesheaf Day And The Journey To Pentecost

Chapter 14:  The Purpose and Authority of the Wavesheaf of the House of Elohim in all its Fullness!

Chapter 15:  The Divisions of the 50th Day and the Marriage Vows

Chapter 16:  What Happens To The Many Who Did Well; But Did Not Excel

Chapter 17:  The Plan After The Marriage Of The Bride And The Number Of The Firstborn Sons Of The Marriage Union Is Completed

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